DFW PCOS Cysters is the support group for Cysters in North Texas!
We are here to help you through the ups and downs of PCOS management!
We provide online and in-person support for all things PCOS-related! Here you'll find a large group of "Cysters" waiting to meet you!
We maintain a list of doctors of varying specialties to help you find the best treatment possible.
Our blog features member-written posts on various topics such as mental health, PCOS awareness and National Infertility Awareness Week.
What Your Cysters Want You To Know
"Your diagnosis will explain so many things once you know. It will be like looking back at a bunch of puzzle pieces and finally knowing that they make a whole picture.
·You are not alone.
·You are beautiful"
- Holly S.
"PCOS doesn't define you. It may change your life, but it doesn't define who you are. Your identity is still the same and you can choose joy in the midst of this circumstance."
- Gina B.
" Self care is the most important part of what ever treatment route you take. Proper diet and exercise goes a long way."
- Ashley B.
"Everyone's symptoms are different. You have to be your own advocate. Do as much research as you can and make sure you ask your doctor(s) questions. If you feel like they aren't helping or supporting you, look for another one. There are so many aspects to PCOS and it can be overwhelming but creating that support group (medical and family/friends) is very important."
- Rosinda W.
"Don't take any answer you are given. If you feel something more is wrong, keep pushing. Eventually you will find the right provider, and get a right diagnosis. You know you better than anybody"
- Casey-Jo B.
"Don't feel alone. Research is key, join support groups. Its ok to cry when needed and know that its going to be ok. You are your own kind of beautiful!"
- Amber A.
"The one thing I had in mind after leaving the doctor back then was that I won't be able to have children (she told me I will need IVF) and I was so incredibly sad about that.
So I would tell my 22 year old self that everything will be OK and that there are many ways to achieve ovulation and / or pregnancy and that many women will get pregnant without IVF."- Selina W.
"You are your best advocate so make sure to stand up for yourself and it's okay to seek a 2nd opinion or to keep searching for Dr. that listens and works with you."
- Gabby S.
"You are still beautiful, intelligent, alluring and vibrant. A PCOS diagnosis doesn’t change that."
- Rachel H.
"It may be tough once you get diagnosed, but it will explain all the hard times you have been though struggling with so many unrelated symptoms. You have to give yourself time and hope and listen to your body more than you listen to your doctors.
Once you learn how to Love your body and admire its own beauty you will be surprised with the marvelous surprises it will give you in return."- Menna A.