Fact vs. Fiction: Exploring Common Misconceptions about PCOS

Stein-Leventhal Syndrome, also called Hyperandrogenic Anovulation (HA), is most commonly known as Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). The condition comes with a smorgasbord of fun and super-sparkly symptoms that present differently from patient to patient. Proper diagnosis and treatment can be tricky. Because of its complexity, variety of symptoms, and degree of severity from one patient to another, there tends to be some misinformation out there about what PCOS is, how it affects a woman’s life, and how to treat it. What? Not everything one reads on the internet is trustworthy? Say it ain’t so! Here are a few of the more common myths, along withRead More →

#NIAW – PCOS without the ‘C’ = POS?

Weight gain. Acne. Greasy skin. Hair loss. Mood swings. Blood sugar issues. Irregular/infrequent periods. Decidedly unfeminine hair in embarrassing places. And let’s not forget the big one – INFERTILITY. There’s no doubt about it: PCOS sucks.For some women, getting an accurate diagnosis is yet another burden of the condition. If an ultrasound shows the tell-tale “string of pearls,” then without any further investigation a patient is diagnosed and treatment can begin. Sounds pretty straightforward, right? Not in every case. I have all of the symptoms of PCOS but no cysts. No pearls on the many ultrasounds performed while I traveled the difficult road of fertilityRead More →

PCOS and Mental Health

As it is National Suicide Prevention Week, it prompted me to write about mental health and how it pertains to PCOS. This week, falling in our awareness month, is fitting because so many cysters deal with mental health issues. Some issues possibly from cortisol stealing the necessary hormones needed by the brain, as we briefly touched on with the nutritionist last month, or from dealing with all of the stress associated with PCOS. The first thing that I want to say it that it is OK. Don’t think that you are not “normal” as not only do many cysters deal with things like depression andRead More →